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Bargaining Update
AT&T West
Holding AT&T West Accountable
The California Public Utility Commission is voting today on requiring AT&T and other telephone companies to provide more real-time reports on service outages. CWA D9 activists have been mobilizing and attending PUC hearings to spotlight the serious problems faced by rural residents and others who frequently lose access to 911 and emergency services.
In a letter to Commissioners sent in advance of today's vote, CWA District 9 Vice President Tom Runnion urged the PUC to implement the outage reporting requirements.
"We cannot continue to allow companies like AT&T to put their profits ahead of people's safety, and the CPUC's proposed move to require emergency and regular reporting on these problems is a critical first step to addressing the outages themselves. Californians statewide thank the CPUC commissioners for their leadership in protecting families from neglectful practices of AT&T," Runnion said.
Currently, many rural outages affecting thousands of Californians are not reported. The vote today would require telecommunication companies to provide timely data about major outages, CWA said.
Join the Fair Contract Fight at AT&T West
CWAers in D9 are fighting back against AT&T's shipping thousands of jobs to India, Mexico, the Philippines, Jamaica, and other countries. Meanwhile, some premises technicians are forced to work overtime hours with no advance notice, for days or weeks at a time. AT&T also wants to shift more health care costs to workers and their families.
CWAers at AT&T West are standing together, calling on AT&T to get serious about bargaining a fair contract.
Join the fight. Sign the petition.
DIRECTV District 9
Bargaining opened this week covering 2,200 DIRECTV CWA members in District 9. In his opening remarks, CWA D9 Vice President Tom Runnion reminded the management team that AT&T has been posting big profits and is rewarding investors with an annual dividend this year that's more than double the average yield of all Standard & Poor companies.
While "that's all great news," Runnion said, workers need to share in those profits. "The DIRECTV workers who are called on to serve all those new customers need to be recognized for their skill and rewarded for their hard work."

CWAers at a DIRECTV call center in Huntington, WV, are mobilizing for fair scheduling, good wages and benefits, and job security.
DIRECTV Customer Service
CWA Customer Care and Commercial Retention members mobilized across the five CWA-represented call centers last week, telling managers, "All we want for Christmas is a contract, a pay raise, and good health care." The 2,500 call center members are united, calling for fair scheduling, good wages and benefits and job security.
Keep up with the latest here and on Facebook.
Members of IUE-CWA Locals 81359 and 81380 in Waterford, N.Y., have been on strike at Momentive Performance Materials since November 2. This video tells the story of their fight for fairness against corporate greed.