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Missouri Legislators Want to Weaken Workers' Rights, Child Labor Laws

In Missouri, the biggest assault against workers is coming from the state Senate, where the leadership is pushing a right to work (for less) bill to destroy private sector unions and a paycheck deception bill to destroy public sector ones.

And did you think you’d see the day when child labor laws were under attack? That’s also on the agenda of Missouri’s Senate, with a bill to allow 14-year-olds to work unlimited and unrestricted hours, along with other reduced protections for 15- and 16-year-olds.

Mary Rebecca Gavin, a children's service worker for the Missouri Department of Social Services in Kansas City and a member of Local 6355, said there have been efforts to divide workers, “but that’s not going to work in Missouri. All of us, public and private sector workers, are standing together for what we know is right.”

The paycheck deception bill would restrict public workers’ right to make voluntary contributions and participate in the political process. And the Senate is looking to assess additional costs to unions and associations — “the greater of eight dollars or two percent of the amount authorized” — for payroll deduction of dues.

“It’s just another way to attack workers who want a voice in our political process. It’s our right, but some Missouri politicians want to silence us,” Gavin said.

No big surprise, the Missouri Chamber of Commerce is backing the right to work (for less) bill that the Senate was set to take up in March.

What else is under attack in Missouri? The minimum wage law, the prevailing wage law that would allow outside contractors to low-ball bids for schools and other construction, majority signup in organizing campaigns, and much more.

Workers and supporters have been joining solidarity rallies throughout the state, to support Wisconsin workers and to stand up for workers’ rights in Missouri.

Union members and supporters will hold a lobby day March 30 in Jefferson City. Local 6450 and many other CWA locals are using Facebook, Twitter and other online networks to get the word out and get members mobilized.