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CWA Champions T-Mobile Merger at AT&T Shareholders' Meeting

May 5, 2011
The pending AT&T merger with T-Mobile would go a long way toward expanding America's broadband network while improving job security for thousands of T-Mobile workers who finally would have the benefit of union representation, CWA Executive Vice President Annie Hill told AT&T shareholders Friday in Little Rock, Ark.

"Our country needs high-speed broadband for economic development, for jobs and to ensure that all Americans have affordable access to the Internet. This merger will help enormously to achieve those goals," Hill said, speaking on behalf of CWA at the company's annual shareholders meeting.

'The World is Watching,' Global Unions Take On T-Mobile Campaign

Press Release
The global union movement, the International Trade Union Confederation, has announced it is launching a major global campaign to convince Deutsche Telekom to end its attack on workers' rights in the U.S. and allow T-Mobile USA workers the right to join a union.