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1,500 New Jersey Public Employees Affiliate with CWA
February 20, 2014
Camden County Council 10, an independent labor union representing more than 1,500 public employees in New Jersey's Camden County, voted 573-118 Wednesday night to affiliate with CWA.
Dunkin' Donuts Workers Ratify New Contract
February 20, 2014
Dunkin' Donuts workers have unanimously ratified a new three-year contract that will give raises to some of the only unionized fast food employees in New York City.
Unions Aren't Retreating in the South
February 20, 2014
Despite UAW's organizing defeat in Tennessee, unions aren't backing down from their quest to give workers a voice in the South. At the AFL-CIO's winter strategy meeting in Houston this week, leaders vowed to strengthen and mobilize their allies.
Endeavor Techs Join CWA
February 13, 2014
In a 17-1 vote, Endeavor Communications technicians who install Digital Life for AT&T in North New Jersey voted for representation by join CWA Local 1101..
Volkswagen Workers in Chattanooga Voting for UAW Representation
February 13, 2014
From Feb. 12- 14, workers at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tenn., will be voting on union representation by the UAW in a National Labor Relations Board election.