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Information About the Verizon EEOC Disability Settlement

October 18, 2011
The EEOC settled a disability discrimination suit against Verizon earlier this year. The terms of the settlement apply to former Verizon employees who were terminated under the company's absence control plans when they should have been able to take further leave as a reasonable accommodation for an ADA-covered disability.

Decrying Greed, CWA Joins 'Occupy Wall Street' Demonstrations

October 6, 2011
Fighting for economic justice and good jobs to rebuild America's middle class, CWA members and thousands of other union members joined Occupy Wall Street demonstrators for a march in New York's financial district on Wednesday. CWA also participated in San Francisco and other cities as similar rallies and protests spread nationwide.

"iWon't": Unions and Allies Target New iPhone and Tax Loopholes

October 3, 2011
The Communications Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, joined by allies including, the AFL-CIO, US Action, Jobs with Justice, and the National People?s Alliance announced the next stage in the fight for middle-class jobs at Verizon and Verizon Wireless.

The groups are launching the nationwide iWont Campaign, asking Americans to delay upgrading to the new iPhone on Verizon Wireless until the company agrees to a fair contract with its workers. The campaign, which includes online outreach by and other groups, advertising, grassroots outreach and leafleting at hundreds of Verizon Wireless stores, is timed around the launch of Apple?s new iPhone.

Working Together: It's All About Movement Building

October 1, 2011
It?s all about movement building

It will take all of us, union members, progressive activists, the civil rights community, environmentalists, people of faith, students and others to restore the rights and standard of living of working families.

"It's Cool to Be in a Union"

October 1, 2011

Young Verizon Worker Embraces Her New Union

Timothy Staples - her first name comes from a flowering grass - never had a union at work until she got a job last February at a Verizon call center in Salisbury, Md.