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Health plans must spend premiums on medical care

November 23, 2010
The Accountable Care Act requires that the lion's share of health insurance premiums pay for actual medical care ? not insurers' overhead and profits. Today rules that enforce that basic premise go into effect.

House Passes Long-Sought Health Bill for Ground Zero Workers

September 30, 2010
A health care bill for Ground Zero workers that House Republicans blocked in July was passed 268-160 on Wednesday, when 13 Republicans joined Democrats to support it. The 9/11 Health and Compensation Act would provide federal funds for medical monitoring and treatment for first responders, recovery crews and other workers exposed to Ground Zero toxins, including about 1,500 CWA members in telecom, the public sector, newspapers and broadcasting.

Poll finds Americans think law should have done more on health care

September 27, 2010
President Obama's health care overhaul has divided the nation, and Republicans believe their call for repeal will help them win elections in November. But the picture's not that clear cut. A new AP poll finds that Americans who think the law should have done more outnumber those who think the government should stay out of health care by 2-to-1.