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Unions United for Next Steps in New Jersey

June 30, 2011
CWA locals statewide and the entire union movement are united in plans to protect collective bargaining, negotiate a fair state contract, and save workers' jobs while protecting and maintaining critical services in the state.

N.J. Assembly Strips Public Employees of Health Care Bargaining Rights

June 24, 2011
In a devastating blow to a half-million public workers in New Jersey, including 65,000 CWA members, the state Assembly on Thursday stripped them of their right to collectively bargain health care benefits and voted for steep increases in what workers pay for health care and pensions, while CWA is in contract negotiations with a June 30 expiration.

May Day Events Bring Workers, Immigrants Together in Fight for Rights

May 5, 2011
Continuing to build and expand coalitions of allies, CWA members in cities across the nation joined tens of thousands of people Sunday for May Day events that called for immigration reform and workers' rights.

In New York City, CWA District 1 President Chris Shelton addressed thousands of activists who rallied at Union Square and marched downtown to Foley Square.

Workers Killed, Hurt on the Job Honored on Workers' Memorial Day

May 5, 2011
From Boston to Sacramento, hundreds of Workers' Memorial Day events last Thursday brought together union members and other activists to honor and mourn working people killed or injured on the job.

Memorial events reminded workers that 2011 marks the 40th anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, whose oversight has greatly reduced safety and health risks at U.S. workplaces.