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In Germany, T-Mobile USA Workers Learn 'Respect' is the Difference

May 13, 2010
It was an eye-opening experience for T-Mobile USA workers to see firsthand how differently their company treats workers in Germany. During the 10 days that T-Mobile USA workers spent in Germany for the Deutsche Telekom annual meeting and other events, meetings with their German colleagues strengthened their commitment to continue the fight for a union in the United States.

Ver.di to T-Mobile USA Workers: 'We've Got Your Back'

May 6, 2010
The Deutsche Telekom shareholders meeting was a marathon, but the T-Mobile USA workers and CWAers who attended the meeting are still pumped by the support they got from members of ver.di, the union representing German workers at T-Mobile. CWA District 13 Vice President Ed Mooney headed the U.S. group; see tweets, postings, photos and videos at