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"Health Care Can't Wait"

March 11, 2010

Thousands of union members and health care activists rallied outside a DC hotel to put the health insurance industry execs meeting inside on notice: "we'll do whatever it takes to get real health care reform."

How High Speed Broadband Can Build a Green Future

March 4, 2010
There's a real connection between high speed broadband and building a greener economic future. A new report released by CWA and its green partners shows how improving broadband technology can revolutionize energy use and management in the United States, boosting our economy.

CWA: Comcast/NBC Merger is a Bad Bet

February 25, 2010
CWA President Larry Cohen told the House Judiciary Committee that the proposed Comcast/NBC merger should be assessed in terms of jobs, the impact on competition, and the likely negative effect on the emerging Internet video marketplace.

CWA: End Delay on NLRB Gridlock

February 18, 2010
CWA is continuing to press for NLRB nominees Craig Becker and Mark Pearce to be confirmed as soon as possible, with a recess appointment from President Obama if necessary.