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'The World is Watching,' Global Unions Take On T-Mobile Campaign

Press Release
The global union movement, the International Trade Union Confederation, has announced it is launching a major global campaign to convince Deutsche Telekom to end its attack on workers' rights in the U.S. and allow T-Mobile USA workers the right to join a union.

CWA Urges Extension of Aid for Workers Hurt by Trade

February 15, 2011
CWA is urgently calling on Congress to extend key improvements to the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), the program that provides aid to workers whose jobs have been outsourced overseas. Without action by Congress, the improvements to TAA, passed as part of the 2009 economic recovery package and extended in December, will expire this weekend. CWA President Larry Cohen has called on every member of Congress to act.

ITUC Meeting: A Global Response to Multinationals

January 20, 2011
Members of the International Trade Union Confederation and Council of Global Unions are meeting with U.S. union leaders this week in Washington, focusing on ways to support international organizing campaigns and take on multinational companies.