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Join with CWA Women in celebrating International Women's Day

March 8, 2012
Women's issues in 2012 are once again dominating the headlines and political discourse in the U.S. We must never rest on our laurels or achievements - for if we do, surely there will be efforts to destroy all that we have accomplished.

Click Here: A Workers' Roundup of the Web's Best

February 9, 2012
Out to lunch? New Hampshire Republicans have introduced all manner of absurd bills so far this session. Now they're proposing that the state do away with the law requiring employers to give workers a lunch break.

On This Day, 100 Years Ago?

January 12, 2012
January 12, 1912: Ten thousand textile workers, mostly women and immigrants, walked off the job in Lawrence, MA, marking the beginning of an explosive 8-week strike. It became known as the ?Bread & Roses? strike, a landmark event in American history.