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Using Senate Rules to Block Debate and Votes

October 1, 2010
Check out this list to see just how the Senate rules block a majority of senators from taking up important measures and getting the people?s business done. Unanimous consent. All 100 senators must agree that the business of the Senate will go forward. One senator can stop bills, nominations, appointments, even ordinary actions like naming a post office.

How the Abuse of Senate Rules Harms All of Us

October 1, 2010
The current Senate rules haven?t been changed for decades. They just don?t work in today?s super-charged political climate. In past years, our nation was able to move forward on landmark legislation that put in place workers? rights, civil rights, retirement security for seniors and so much more. Today, we only see outrageous obstruction, like this:

Why Reforming the Senate Rules Matters

October 1, 2010
For workers, the minority?s ability (40 votes) to endlessly block key nominations made by the Obama administration has a real cost. Even without this abuse of the rules by the minority, workers fighting for economic justice must wait much too long under the National Labor Relations Board process to get their jobs back after being wrongly fired or to finally get a union voice.