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Why We Need to Reform the Senate Rules

December 2, 2010
All 42 Senate Republicans have signed a letter this week to Majority Leader Harry Reid, announcing that they will continue to delay and filibuster every piece of Senate legislative business until?.they get their way on tax cuts and the federal budget.

Act Now to Help Pass Public Safety Bargaining Bill

December 2, 2010
CWAers nationwide are working hard to push the U.S. Senate to act on a measure giving public safety officers collective bargaining rights. Hundreds of phone calls and handwritten letters have been sent to Senators, pressing for a vote on the bill.

CWA Commends FCC Chairman's Plan on Open Internet

December 2, 2010

CWA President Larry Cohen expressed strong support for FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski's initiative to sustain open Internet principles and create the stable conditions necessary for critical investment and quality job creation in broadband networks.

Investment in Quality Jobs, Sustainable Growth Is Key to Economic Recovery

December 2, 2010
CWA President Larry Cohen and leaders from labor, public policy, and other progressive groups are calling on the Obama Administration and Congress to focus on jobs and programs that support economic growth, not one-dimensional deficit reduction proposals that will actually hurt job creation.