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ATTM Orange Bargaining Report

CWA/ATTM Orange CBA - Bargaining Report #23

May 27, 2022
Five years ago, on Memorial Day Weekend, CWA workers covered under the Orange Contract had recently returned from their historic strike at AT&T Mobility. The strike was unprecedented and sent a message of solidarity and strength to the Company. Building on that strength, and the current mobilization, we are close to a fair and equitable contract.
ATTM Orange Bargaining Report

CWA/ATTM Orange CBA - Bargaining Report #22

May 20, 2022
The Orange Bargaining Committee continues to meet with the Company. As previously reported, we are making progress and have tentative agreements on many important issues.  There are only a few issues left to reach an agreement, but they are important issues. We need all of you to keep up the fight and put pressure on AT&T. It’s been 5 years since so many of you had enough and walked out on the company in a historic strike at Mobility.
Evoque Techs Picket

Bargaining Update

May 19, 2022
The latest bargaining information for AT&T Mobility (Orange), DirecTV (Orange), ABC-Disney, Evoque Data Center Solutions, the Sunrise Movement, and OFS Fitel.
ATTM Orange Bargaining Report

CWA/ATTM Orange CBA - Bargaining Report #21

May 13, 2022
The Orange Bargaining Team continues to meet daily with the Company. We have made progress on most issues important to all groups covered by the Orange Contract. We have spent the last several months of bargaining focused on making improvements to just about every aspect of your work lives, and we believe we are close to securing a contract that will do just that.
AT&T Mobility Orange Bargaining Report

CWA / ATTM Orange CBA - Bargaining Report #20

May 5, 2022
First of all, the Bargaining Team realizes that this process has been a long and sometimes frustrating one for all of you. As we have stated many times, we are going to bargain as long as it takes to get a contract that you have earned and deserve. We are pleased to report that we continue to make significant progress at the bargaining table. Some important issues remain, but we are making improvements every day.