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Huge Crowd Holds Moral March in North Carolina

February 13, 2014
Last weekend, 100,000 people turned out for the Moral March in Raleigh, North Carolina. The event marked a year of ?Moral Monday? protests, organized by the ?Move Forward Together Movement,? a coalition of 150 groups put together by the North Carolina NAACP and including CWA and other unions and progressive voices.

Valuing Families: We?re Fighting AND We?re Winning

December 23, 2013
I had the great privilege, as an Advisory Board member of the Labor Project of Working Families (LPWF), of attending the Family Values @ Work?s 10th Anniversary and Annual Meeting in New York.

Immigration Reform Advocates Take Over Congressional Offices

December 12, 2013
Today CWA activists joined more than 1,500 immigration reform advocates in occupying over 200 congressional offices. Activists from across the country prayed and held vigils. The song "We Shall Overcome" echoed through the halls of Rayburn House Office Building.

December 10, 1948

December 12, 2013
In a piece in The Huffington Post, CWA President Larry Cohen reflected on the beginning of International Human Rights Day.

December 10, 1948

Press Release
Eleanor Roosevelt proclaims international Human Rights Day speaking mostly to the rest of the world, emerging from war, and facing human rights issues on every continent. At that moment, the US leads the world?s democracies by almost every measure. Now 65 years later, the blocks to our democracy are as glaring in the US as anywhere else.