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Real Bargaining Rights Produce Big Gains for ver.di Members at T-Mobile

May 10, 2012
In a big victory for Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile workers, ver.di ? the union representing more than 2 million workers ? announced a tentative agreement with DT that provides for a 6.5 percent pay increase over two years for 50,000 workers in Germany. Negotiations are continuing for workers at DT's T-Systems unit.

At Shareholders' Meeting, AT&T Gets the CWA Message

May 3, 2012
At the AT&T annual meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, shareholders heard a loud and clear message from CWA leaders and members: AT&T should be helping to "lead our economic recovery by continuing to provide good, middle class jobs. We are the network. We deserve a fair contract."

Cohen: 'The status quo is not stable'

April 26, 2012
CWA President Larry Cohen, renewing his call for international solidarity, used a trip to Germany this week to underscore how the erosion of American workers' rights should serve as a wake-up call for the global labor movement.