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Workers Know: There's No More Mr. Nice T-Mobile

July 12, 2012

This week, AFL-CIO and Jobs with Justice activists, plus supporters throughout the union movement, are holding actions at T-Mobile USA retail stores across the country as part of the AFL-CIO's "America Wants to Work Campaign."

Ver.di Activist Joins T-Mobile Protests

July 5, 2012
Ver.di activist and Works Councilor Uli Meyer-Berhorn joined local union activists Monday in protesting the actions of T-Mobile USA in Tacoma, Wash.

Former T-Mobile USA Worker Takes Message to Deutsche Telekom

May 24, 2012
Blake Poindexter, a former T-Mobile USA worker who lost his job in the shuttering of seven call centers, addressed shareholders at the Deutsche Telekom (DT) annual meeting in Cologne, Germany, today. Poindexter, who now is working with CWA to help T-Mobile USA workers gain bargaining rights, worked at the Frisco, Tex., call center. That center, along with six others, will close in June affecting the jobs of 3,300 workers.

CWA-TU Begins Bargaining

May 17, 2012
Bargaining continued for a first contract for 15 CWA-TU technicians at T-Mobile USA in Connecticut.