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Bargaining Update

June 12, 2014
CWA's Telecommunications and Technologies bargaining team reached a tentative four-year agreement with Alcatel-Lucent.

Alcatel-Lucent Installation Highlights of the Tentative Agreement

June 8, 2014
The Company and the Union reached a Tentative Agreement on CWA-25 late last night. The following are the highlights of that agreement. A full report will be discussed with the Local Presidents on Thursday in preparation for a ratification vote. Every member will get a full report before you vote.

Alcatel- Lucent Installation Bargaining Report 23

June 7, 2014
The teams met yesterday as the clock is winding down toward our new expiration date. There was some significant movement from the Company on several items, particularly around the Medical Plan. The Union countered the Company?s ?Effect?s Proposal? and their insulting first wage proposal.