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Statement by the Communications Workers of America on Negotiations with Verizon

Press Release

Verizon workers remain on strike and are standing strong on the picket lines. At negotiating sessions in Westchester and Philadelphia today, executives refused to back off of callous proposals that would hurt working families and destroy middle class jobs, including shipping jobs overseas and outsourcing work. The company also failed to budge on the issues facing Verizon Wireless workers.

On Strike at Verizon

Bargaining Update

April 28, 2016

VERIZON--three weeks into the strike at Verizon, CWA and IBEW members are standing firm... AT&T WEST--some great mobilization is underway at AT&T West, while negotiations continue...

Safety Violations Run Rampant as Verizon Fails to Maintain Network

Press Release

As the Verizon strike enters its third week, more and more incidents of replacement workers endangering themselves and the public are coming to light. Basic safety practices aren't being followed as unqualified managers and contractors hang cables, place poles and operate heavy equipment.

Bargaining Update

April 21, 2016

VERIZON--the strike by 39,000 CWA and IBEW members at Verizon entered week two; AT&T EAST--About 200 AT&T members at CWA Local 1298 in Hamden, CT, have been working without a contract since April 9; AT&T WEST--CWA members in California and Nevada, working without a contract, are stepping up mobilization...