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"This Is Nothing More Than an Effort to Suppress the Vote"

October 1, 2011

Not only does Wisconsin now require all voters to show state-issued photo ID, Gov. Scott Walker's administration has even tried to make it harder for people to get the identification they need.

The Republican governor ordered 10 DMV offices around the state closed this summer, but public outrage forced him to reverse the decision. But CWA members say there are still many battles to fight.


"Many People Could Be Prevented from Voting"

October 1, 2011

Ohio's law cuts the early voting period from 35 days to 16, bars poll workers from redirecting lost voters to their correct precinct, and bans county election boards from continuing to send mail ballot applications to all registered voters.

"The Most Vicious Attack I've Ever Seen"

October 1, 2011

The ability to turn out a large pro-worker vote on Election Day is the only thing that helps even the odds against the hundreds of millions of corporate dollars that pour into political campaigns.

Florida's Gov. Rick Scott and GOP lawmakers know this. In May, they rammed through a law that severely limits voter registration and early voting.


How Broadband Will Benefit a Green Economy

Press Release
The Blue Green Alliance (BGA) in coordination with its members, the Communications Workers of America (CWA), the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has released an updated version of its landmark 2010 report ?Networking the Green Economy,? urging policy makers to create an environment that allows for long term public and private investment in high-speed broadband to build more sustainable communities in rural and urban America.