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CWA Commends President Obama's State of the Union Remarks

Press Release
The Communications Workers of America commends President Obama for his focus on creating an America that is built to last with an economy that works for everyone, not just a wealthy few. In addition, an America built to last cannot be one in which corporate money determines who is elected and what issues are debated.

Building Our Movement: CWA and Occupy

January 1, 2012
Three stories from coast to coast; "Now is the time to help grow this movement,? ?At the end, I really didn't want to stop? and ?I experienced a sense of community that I will never forget.?

The Truth about "Voter Fraud"

January 1, 2012

From 2002 to 2007, when the Bush administration ordered its U.S. attorney generals in every state to look for and prosecute cases of voter fraud, only 120 people had been charged nationwide, with just 86 convictions, out of the 300 million votes cast.