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Working Together: Lessons from Wisconsin

June 26, 2012
June 5 was a dark day as GOP Gov. Scott Walker won his recall election. Wisconsin must be a huge wakeup call for all of us ? for the labor movement, and for our progressive allies and partners. Wisconsin sadly demonstrated that the 1 percent can reach into just about every aspect of our lives.

Now is the Time to Make Workers' Rights a Civil Right

June 26, 2012

As long as conservatives try to paint unions as greedy self-interested institutions - "special interests" just after their slice of the pie - labor law reform is unlikely to spark a romantic association for progressives.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

June 26, 2012
As CWA activists keep up the fight for fair contracts, bargaining rights, economic justice and a stronger democracy, that old adage has never been truer. We can?t go it alone. That?s why we?ve joined together with our progressive allies in our push for bargaining rights, secure jobs, fair trade, good healthcare for all and retirement security. Together, our growing coalition is tackling climate change, the DREAM act, immigration reform and measures to decrease home foreclosures.

CWAers Take Fair Contract Fight to Verizon Board Members

June 21, 2012
CWA activists, Jobs with Justice members and 99% Power allies are ready for tomorrow?s Verizon Day of Action. There will be a lot of new actions that send a message not only to Verizon executives but to members of its board of directors that workers deserve a fair contract, not more corporate greed.