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Labor Chief Moves on Job Safety, Workers' Rights

January 5, 2010
Soon after she became the nation's labor secretary, Hilda Solis warned corporate America there was "a new sheriff in town." Less than a year into her tenure, her aggressive moves to boost enforcement and crack down on employers for workplace safety violations have some employers scrambling.


December 3, 2009
On December 3, 1984, thousands of workers employed at a Union Carbide chemical manufacturing plant and nearby community members in Bhopal, India experienced horrific exposures to a deadly chemical product known as methyl isocyanate (MIC). This tragedy, which occurred as a result of plant equipment engineering and maintenance deficiencies, involved the release of some 40 metric tons of MIC gas into the atmosphere. In turn, MIC gas spread throughout the plant and into the nearby community exposing many thousands of women, men, and children. The Indian government reported 3,500 fatalities occurred as a result of the Union Carbide- MIC exposure incident. However, community activists believe more than 25,000 people have died and another 100,000 exposed individuals suffer health problems today as a result of the tragic incident.

"America's Last Unregulated Workplace"

December 1, 2009

For workers in just about every private industry workplace, federal and state Occupational Safety and Health laws spell out protections and safeguards to help keep workplaces free from hazards.

Union's "No-Lift" Policy Reduces Worker-Patient Injuries

December 1, 2009

Lifting patients in hospitals and other care facilities is one of the leading causes of neck and back injuries suffered by health care workers in the United States. It also is a leading cause of injury to patients.