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2018 AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference
Eight hundred social justice activists, union members, people of faith, elected officials, and others gathered in Houston this week for the annual AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil and Human Rights Conference. The conference theme was "Reclaiming the Dream: Strategize, Organize, Mobilize!" For four days, participants took part in actions, meetings, trainings, and other sessions focused on building power so that all working communities can thrive and all families can achieve a fair return on their work and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
"We're fighting on the front lines of racial justice, social justice, and economic justice issues," said CWA District 6 VP Claude Cummings, addressing the conference. "Specifically here in Texas, for the last 30 years, we've been fighting a right wing agenda that seeks to systematically strip black and brown citizens of their right to vote, while enriching corporations through sweetheart deals. Dr. King's fight was not just against hate, but also poverty and economic injustice."
Above: Conference participants joined the annual Houston MLK Day Parade. Right: CWA District 6 VP Claude Cummings spoke at the annual AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference.
Below: CWAers took part in actions, meetings, trainings, and other sessions at the conference.