Learn about Cal | Cunningham vs Tillis | Get Thom Tillis Out
Cal Cunningham is an Army Lieutenant Colonel, father of two children, and State Senator who has a history of fighting for workers and is committed to pushing a pro-worker agenda in Congress.
Vote for Cal Cunningham for U.S. Senator.
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Why Cunningham is the Pro-Labor Candidate
On Good Union Jobs:
- Cunningham supports the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act (S.780/H.R.1711) and the U.S. Call Center Worker & Consumer Protection Act (H.R.3219) to force companies like AT&T, Wells Fargo, and CenturyLink to pay their fair share in taxes and stop them from sending more of our jobs overseas. (Source: CWA Endorsement Questionnaire 2020)
- Cunningham supports the Protecting Collective Bargaining Agreements Under One-Touch Make-Ready Act (S.3804), which would protect CWA members' jobs and our communities from the unsafe "One-Touch-Make-Ready" policy.
- Cunningham supports expanding rural broadband and ensuring the expansion creates good-paying jobs.
On Workers’ Rights:
- Cunningham supports the PRO Act, landmark legislation that will strengthen the rights of workers to join together in unions and collectively bargain with their employers and oppose any efforts to weaken or remove protections for workers’ right to organize and collectively bargain. (Source: CWA Endorsement Questionnaire 2020)
- He was part of a legal team that fought for workers exposed to hazards on the jobs and as a State Senator fought for higher pay for teachers.
- Cunningham is endorsed by the NC AFL-CIO, Teamsters, UNITE-HERE, IBEW, and other unions for his pro-worker commitments.
On Covid-19 Relief for Workers and Our Communities
- Cunningham supports funding for state and local government, and expanding paid leave for more workers.
On Healthcare & Prescription Drugs
- Cunningham will fight to strengthen and extend coverage under the Affordable Care Act, expand Medicaid in North Carolina, and create a public health insurance option.
- Cunningham supports allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug costs.
Cunningham vs. Tillis
Good Union Jobs
Cal Cunningham:
Cunningham supports the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act (S.780/H.R.1711) and the U.S. Call Center Worker & Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 3219) to force companies like AT&T, Wells Fargo, and CenturyLink to pay their fair share in taxes and stop them from sending more of our jobs overseas. (Source: CWA Endorsement Questionnaire 2020)
Cunningham supports the Protecting Collective Bargaining Agreements Under One-Touch Make-Ready Act (S.3804), which would protect CWA members' jobs and our communities from the unsafe "One-Touch-Make-Ready" policy.
Cunningham supports expanding rural broadband and ensuring the expansion creates good-paying jobs.
Thom Tillis:
Tillis will not commit to support the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act (S.780/H.R.1711) and the U.S. Call Center Worker & Consumer Protection Act (H.R.3219).
Tillis will not commit to support the Protecting Collective Bargaining Agreements Under One-Touch Make-Ready Act (S.3804).
Tillis has received $163,478 from the telecommunications industry. In addition, he received $47,500 from Elliot Management, an activist investor in AT&T, which is forcing jobs cuts at AT&T.
Workers' Rights
Cal Cunningham:
Cunningham supports the PRO Act, landmark legislation that will strengthen the rights of workers to join together in unions and collectively bargain with their employers and oppose any efforts to weaken or remove protections for workers’ right to organize and collectively bargain. (Source: CWA Workers Roundtable June 16,2020 and CWA Endorsement Questionnaire 2020)
He was part of a legal team that fought for workers exposed to hazards on the jobs and as a Senator fought for higher teacher pay.
Cunningham is endorsed by the NC AFL-CIO, Teamsters, UNITE-HERE, IBEW, and other unions for his pro-worker commitments.
Thom Tillis:
Tillis is standing with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and will not commit to support CWA’s number one legislative priority, the PRO Act, even after thousands of calls and emails to his office from union members.
In fact, CWA members in North Carolina attempted to deliver postcards in support of the PRO Act to Tillis’s office in January 2020, but his staff wouldn't open the door for them or let them drop off the postcards.
Tillis, following Senate Majority Leader McConnell, voted for union-busting Eugene Scalia for Labor Secretary. Scalia was the anti-union lawyer representing Cablevision during CWA’s fight for a fair contract. (Source: Roll Call Vote #313, 9/26/19; National Labor Relations Board, accessed 10/25/19)
Covid-19 Relief for Workers & Communities
Cal Cunningham:
Cunningham supports expanding paid leave for more workers and funding for state and local government.
Thom Tillis:
Tillis voted against expanding paid sick leave to millions of Americans left out of the first coronavirus relief package, and has not supported the HEROES Act, which would provide paid leave for all workers, and state and local government relief.
Expand Healthcare & Lower Prescription Drug Prices
Cal Cunningham:
Cunningham will fight to strengthen and extend coverage under the Affordable Care Act, expand Medicaid in North Carolina, and create a public health insurance option.
Cunningham supports Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug costs.
Thom Tillis:
Tillis received over $150,000 in donations from big pharma PACs last year—more than any other member of Congress. Tillis voted for tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks for drug companies, but voted against lowering drug prices by allowing prescription drugs to be imported from Canada. [SA 2328, 7/26/15; HR 3762, 12/3/15; HR 1628, 7/26/17; HR 1628, 7/25/17]
Tillis voted four times to repeal the ACA, which would have eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions.
Tillis voted to support junk health insurance plans that don’t cover prescription drugs. [SR 52, 10/30/19]]
Money in Politics
Cal Cunningham:
Cunningham has committed to not take corporate PAC money and supports getting money out of politics.
Thom Tillis:
Tillis has taken over $3.4 million in campaign contributions from the finance, real estate, and insurance industries for his 2020 race.
Time to Say Goodbye to Tillis and McConnell
Tillis has taken over $3.4 million in campaign contributions from the finance, real estate, and insurance industries for his 2020 race. His record clearly shows which side he is on. Tillis has failed North Carolina working families on issues that matter to us.
Failed Us on Good Union Jobs:
- Tillis will not commit to support the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act (S.780/H.R.1711) and the U.S. Call Center Worker & Consumer Protection Act (H.R.3219), which would force companies like AT&T, Wells Fargo, and CenturyLink to pay their fair share in taxes and stop them from sending more of our jobs overseas.
- Tillis will not commit to support the Protecting Collective Bargaining Agreements Under One-Touch Make-Ready Act (S.3804).
- Tillis has received $163,478 from the telecommunications industry. In addition, he received $47,500 from Elliot Management, an activist investor in AT&T, which is forcing jobs cuts at AT&T.
Failed Us on Workers’ Rights:
- Tillis will not commit to support CWA’s number one legislative priority, the PRO Act, even after thousands of calls and emails to his office from union members. In fact, CWA members in North Carolina attempted to deliver postcards in support of the PRO Act to Tillis’s office in January 2020, but his staff wouldn't open the door for them or let them drop off the postcards.
- Tillis voted for union-busting Eugene Scalia for Labor Secretary. Scalia was the anti-union lawyer representing Cablevision during CWA’s fight for a fair contract. (Roll Call Vote #313, 9/26/19; National Labor Relations Board, accessed 10/25/19)
Failed Us on Covid-19 Relief for Workers and Our Communities
- Tillis voted against expanding paid sick leave to millions of Americans left out of the first coronavirus relief package and has not supported the HEROES Act, which would provide paid leave for all workers, and state and local government relief. ([SA 1559, 3/18/20])
Failed Us on Healthcare & Prescription Drugs
- Tillis received over $150,000 in donations from big pharma PACs last year—more than any other member of Congress.
- Tillis voted for tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks for drug companies, but voted against lowering drug prices by allowing prescription drugs to be imported from Canada.
- Tillis voted four times to repeal the ACA, which would have eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions. ([SA 2328, 7/26/15; HR 3762, 12/3/15; HR 1628, 7/26/17; HR 1628, 7/25/17])
- Tillis voted in support of junk health insurance plans that don’t cover prescription drugs. ([SR 52, 10/30/19])