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Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining rights and the right to organize have been under corporate assault for three decades.

CWA's program to create good jobs is rooted in support for collective bargaining and the right to organize. Our goals are sustainable, union jobs, retirement security, and health care. We've adopted democracy principles to support these goals -- particularly the need to reform our campaign finance laws to prevent corporations and billionaires from buying politicians.

Each of us can bring this movement to our workplaces and our communities. Talk about the importance of collective bargaining with your co-workers, friends and family members. Share information about the fight via e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter and on local and national blogs.

Next Steps


Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Agents Mobilize
July 25, 2024

CWA Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Agents Mobilize for Fair Pay, Healthcare

CWA will continue to hold the line and fight for our economic proposal that includes a liveable wage.
ATT Wire Techs in CWA Districts 3 and 9
July 25, 2024

CWA Draws Attention to AT&T Wire Tech Attrition as Bargaining Continues

A survey of 647 Wire Technicians, conducted by CWA earlier this year, showed that nearly 65% of respondents said they were actively looking for other jobs.
NJ Childcare Providers
July 25, 2024

CWA Childcare Providers Win Continued Enrollment-Based Pay in N.J.

Childcare is an expensive prospect for many working families, and in New Jersey, childcare can constitute up to 19% of a typical family’s weekly income.