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Repeal will reverse progress toward guaranteed, affordable health care

Here’s a sample of how a repeal of health reform would affect provisions of the law that have already taken effect:

  1. Small business would no longer be eligible for tax credits to help provide workers with insurance
  2. Medicare participants will no longer be reimbursed for exorbitant drug costs incurred due to the “donut-hole” in their prescription drug coverage
  3. Business will no longer have accessed to the government reinsurance program that helps them maintain affordable coverage for early retirees
  4. State will no longer receive money to run high-risk insurance pools for those with pre-existing conditions
  5. Parents will lose the right to keep their children on their insurance plan until they're 26
  6. Insurance plans will no longer be required to cover preventive care without any cost sharing
  7. Insurance companies will be able to put a dollar value limit on the total amount of coverage they will offer you over your lifetime
  8. Insurance companies will gain back the ability to deny coverage to children because of pre-existing conditions
