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Nov. 8 Day of Action for Congressional Lame Duck Session


Members of CWA Local 13000 rally in Philadelphia to protect Social Security and Medicare.

Just two days after CWA activists celebrated an Election Day that saw big returns to elected officials who support working families, CWAers already were meeting with some of those members of the House and Senate and joining actions to keep elected officials accountable.

The "lame duck" session starts next Tuesday, Nov. 13. Today, in Missouri, about 80 members of CWA, Jobs with Justice, the Alliance for Retired Americans, the AFL-CIO and other allies were at the office of Senator Claire McCaskill (D), to congratulate the senator on her re-election and to make sure she knows what working families are looking for in the lame duck and next session of Congress.

In Virginia, a group of 30 CWAers were meeting with Senator Mark Warner's staff, as part of a progressive campaign to hold elected officials accountable.

Many more CWA activists and our allies are participating in similar actions across the country.

In the lame duck session, Congress will take up issues that directly affect working families as part of the effort to reach a spending agreement by the end of the year.

Some politicians and Wall Street executives want a "grand bargain" that could cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, all to give tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.

Starting today, and through the end of the year, workers and allies will continue to tell members of Congress that we expect:

  • No tax cuts for the richest 2% of Americans, and 
  • No benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.

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