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Media Covers Fix the Senate Now

In print and online ads, and newspaper, radio and television interviews, CWA's message that President Obama's executive nominations should get an up or down vote in the Senate is resonating.

  • On MSNBC's "All In with Chris Hayes," CWA President Larry Cohen talked about exactly what the NLRB means for 80 million workers, and that the Senate minority's obstruction on these and other nominations must stop. That will only happen if the Senate Democratic majority votes to change the rules. Watch the full interview here.

  • President Cohen also will take that message to MSNBC's Ed Show this Sunday, July 14, at 5 pm EDT. Be sure to watch.

  • A telephone news conference featured Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) and President Cohen on the unprecedented action by virtually every Democratic Member of Congress telling the Senate to stop its obstruction of President Obama's nominees. Listen to the news conference here.

  • Also this week, a new round of ads on the homepages of Politico and The Washington Post spotlighting exactly what's at stake for working Americans if all five NLRB nominees are not confirmed and letting readers click through a message to their Senators. The ads read, "Fired for standing up for yourself at work? Unless the Senate majority confirms a full National Labor Relations Board, you're on your own." Similar ads can be seen on Facebook, Twitter and when doing Google searches.

  • Next week, listen for radio interviews with CWA leaders and activists.