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"Health Care Can't Wait"
Thousands of union members and health care activists rallied outside a DC hotel to put the health insurance industry execs meeting inside on notice: "we'll do whatever it takes to get real health care reform."
No more skyrocketing costs, no more raising rates by 40 or 50 or 60 percent, no more discriminatory practices that deny people the health care coverage they need – that's our message to the health insurance industry.
A contingent of CWAers, including Sec.-Treas. Jeff Rechenbach, were part of the crowd that circled the hotel, as protestors shouted out "health care can't wait" and "blocking health care is a crime." The rally was sponsored by Health Care for America Now.
Photo Caption: CWAers, including Sec.-Treas. Jeff Rechenbach, joined the rally for health care reform outside a Washington, D.C. hotel meeting of health insurance industry execs.