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Diabetes Prevention and Management a Promising Way to Improve Lives and Lower Costs

The Wall Street Journal last week highlighted two upcoming National Institute of Health studies focused on methods to prevent the onset of Type 1, or “juvenile”, diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is a disorder that usually strikes before the age of 20. Unlike Type 2 “adult onset” diabetes, Type 1 has not been linked to obesity and can’t be prevented through lifestyle changes. These newest studies will put patients at risk of Type 1 on a regiment of oral insulin or a new drug called Teplizumab.

A method of prevention or postponement for this disease would bring relief from long term complications such as kidney disease and blindness to a large and growing number of young adults.

Diabetes prevention and management is also an important subject for those concerned with their rising health care bills. The American Diabetes Association estimated that Americans spent $174 billion in 2007 on diabetes care and almost $60 billion of that was spent on hospital care. In January, this blog highlighted a study that found companies could expect a savings of $1.33 for every $1 they invested in their employee’s diabetes management. These savings came from employees who were able to afford the proper amount of medication for their diabetes due to lower co-pays and were therefore less likely to need expensive trips to the emergency room.


-- Wall Street Journal / American Diabetes Association / CWA Health Care News