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AT&T Dreams

AT&T asked its workers to comment about their “retirement dreams,” suggesting golf in France, travel around the world…..  Below are 2 posted comments to this outrageous question.  “I dream big about paying more for healthcare when I retire.”  Keep it up.  Responding to these ridiculous postings by AT&T is a great way to let them know how you feel, as they push to increase the costs of your benefits, move more employees into the Cash Balance Account and propose a worse plan for new hires.  Thanks to Local 13550 President Mary Lou Schaffer for sharing this with us.  Only the UNION is Fighting for the American Dream.

An AT&T “Money Matters” posting --


Dream big, save big

March 21, 2012

If you could retire tomorrow, what would be your dream? Play golf in the south of France? Live by the beach? Travel the world?

We asked AT&T employees from around the company about their big dreams for retirement. See what they had to say.

Of course, big dreams require big means. AT&T’s 401(k) plans are a great way to save big for your future.  To Get In, Max Out or make changes to your 401(k), visit today.  And join in the discussions on the Your Money Matters tSpace community to learn how your colleagues are dreaming big and saving big.

For complete information regarding your AT&T 401(k), you should also consult your Prospectus/ Summary Plan Description, which is available at You may access this document by logging in and clicking “Plan Information & Communications” under the “Employer News” section.  Once there, click “SPD, Prospectus and SMMs."

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Total Comments (2)

1: E Badendick Jr. (eb2389)

Posted on: March 21, 2012 at 06:03 AM

Spot on Gary. You know AT&T wants us to pay our fair share. A nice distraction from a worry free retirement.

2: Gary Saylor (gs8265)

Posted on: March 21, 2012 at 05:20 AM

I dream about paying a lot more for health care, as I get older.