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CWA Urges Prompt Approval of SBC-Ameritech Merger

Press Release
The Communications Workers of America today called on the Federal Communications Commission to move forward on approval of the proposed merger of SBC Communications Inc. and Ameritech Corp.

US Airways Passenger Service Employees File for Federal Mediation

Press Release
US Airways passenger service employees have turned to federal mediation to help resolve the remaining issues in their first-contract negotiations with airline management. The formal request for assistance was filed with the National Mediation Board today.

New Jersey Workers Mobilize For Major Contract Fight

April 1, 1999
Nearly 1,200 CWA activists and allies have launched the most formidable mobilization ever in support of New Jersey public worker bargaining, with AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Rich Trumka pledging the full support of the Federation's 12 million members.