CWA represents more than 700,000 workers in telecommunications, media, public sector, manufacturing, health care and airlines. CWA has long fought for good union jobs in the wireless industry and affordable high-speed Internet for all Americans.
Fighting for Collective Bargaining Rights at T-Mobile
CWA represents 43,000 workers at AT&T Wireless. Unlike Sprint, Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile, AT&T does not stand in the way of a worker’s right to organize and collectively bargain. T-Mobile is up for sale, and a merger with AT&T will give more than 20,000 T-Mobile workers a real opportunity to form a union without fear of being fired.
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To learn more about T-Mobile workers who are fighting for collective bargaining rights at T-Mobile USA, visit

Fighting for Affordable High-Speed Internet for All Americans
CWA’s Speed Matters project has brought together groups like the Sierra Club, the National Education Association, and the Alliance for Digital Equality to push for policies that will bring affordable, high-speed Internet connections to all Americans.
High-speed broadband is the essential infrastructure for the 21st Century global economy, but millions of Americans do not have access to high speeds. Those living in rural areas are 20 percent less likely than their urban counterparts to subscribe to high-speed broadband.
Americans need increased access to high-speed broadband to build sustainable communities, create jobs, enhance education, lower health care costs and increase energy savings.
For more information on CWA’s Speed Matters project, click here.
Netroots Nation 2011
Conference info
View the Netroots Nation 2011 agenda
Meet the Netroots Nation 2011 speakers
Noteworthy Panels
Wage Thief! How Workers are Getting the Money They're Owed
Thu, 06/16/2011 - 9:00am
Working Together: How Coalition Campaigns Saved the Day in Minnesota
Thu, 06/16/2011 - 10:30am
Our Progressive History (The Historical Roots of Many Issues We Fight on Today)
Thu, 06/16/2011 - 4:30pm
Reclaiming Our Middle Class State by State
Fri, 06/17/2011 - 10:30am
Labor Showcase
Fri, 06/17/2011 - 10:30am