Massive Profits
Verizon and its executives rake in money
while workers endure cuts
The top five Verizon executives made almost $350 million over five years while proposing deep cuts for frontline workers. Leadership for America means creating an economy that works for all of us — not just the top 1%.
Profitable companies that cut wages and jobs for the 99% don’t create sustainable communities. America needs broadly shared prosperity and a strong middle class.
“A few people want all the money, when thousands of us support families...Everyone can see how much the company wants to take from us — even though they’re making more, they want to give us less.”
— Matt Rivera
14 years with Verizon
Our children and grandchildren deserve better than a growing divide between the super-rich and everyone else.
Join the campaign today by spreading the word about exorbitant executive compensation at #VeriGreedy Verizon.
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What could you buy with a Verizon executive's salary?
2 U.S. Census Department;
3 US News and World Report.